Links to other pages of interest
The Internet Sacred Text Archive
This site is a freely available non-profit archive of electronic texts
about religion, mythology, legends and folklore, and occult and
esoteric topics. Texts are presented in English translation and, in
some cases, in the original language. This site has no particular
agenda other than promoting religious tolerance and scholarship.

An online encyclopedia of mythology, folklore and religion.
Esoteric Archives
The Twilit Grotto collects a wide range of texts, in various formats,
from the history of magic and metaphysics. Some are facsimile records
and many are in the original language and not yet available in English.
Fundamentals of Magic & Mysticism
Examines basic concepts and practices often assumed to be common knowledge by authors.

A search engine specializing in metaphysical, Pagan and occult web sites.
General Interest

Help SETI analyze deep space radio signals in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.