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The I Ching is possibly the oldest written book in existence.  While there are other, older books referenced in extant manuscripts, the I Ching is likely the oldest manuscript itself.  Scholars currently believe it was originally written for the purpose of divination and that the philospophical aspects were added later, although there is debate as to whether or not it was originally intended to convey philosophical ideas in a divinitory context. For the purposes of this text file, the names of the hexagrams and the original descriptions by king Wan as translated by Richard Wilhelm and rendered into English by Cary Baynes will be given, though repetitions of the titles within the text of the commntaries have been removed.  For reasons of space and time we will ignore the line by line interpretations and the later commentaries.  While this ignores centuries of wisdom which is quite ancient in itself, the scope of this page is to give an introduction only to the Book of Changes, so that you may use it as a shortcut and/or to decide whether to investigate further.

Should you decide that you want more information than is presented here, the Willhelm/Baynes translation is considered "the " definitive English version while the slightly cheaper James Legge translation is almost as well respected and is easier to follow, for the most part.  There are also many other versions, either presented as new translations or "westernized " in an attempt to bring the concepts more in line with occidental traditions.

It is my opinion that much is lost in these westernized versions, and that anyone interested in pursuing the Yi as a source of wisdom and/or method of divination would do better to stick with the original concepts and "translate " themselves rather than depending on someone else's idea of what should be left out and what should be added or changed.  It has survived the test of time for over 4000 years and there is no reason to believe that the recent proliferation of extreme editing does anything to improve the accessibility of the wisdom, though it should be kept in mind, at least when reading this brief introduction, that the I Ching was originally written for an audience in feudal China in which the people being written to were the equivalent of mideval European Lords, and so a few passages that may seem cryptic will make a little more sense.

The Trigrams

Excerpted from the Wilhelm/Baynes translation:

At the outset, the Book of Changes was a collection of linear signs to be used as oracles.  In antiquity, oracles were everywhere in use; the earliest among them confined themselves to the answers yes and no.  This oracular pronouncement is likewise the basis of the Book of Changes.   "Yes " was indicated by a simple unbroken line (-----), and "No " by a broken line (-- --).  However, the need for greater differentiation seems to have been felt at an early date, and the lines were combined in pairs [illustration deleted].

To each of these combinations a third line was then added.  In this way the eight trigrams came into being.  These eight trigrams were conceived as images of everything that happens in heaven and on earth.  At the same time, they were held to be in a state of continual transition, one changing into another, just as transition from one phenomenon to another is continually taking place in the physical world. [...]  Attention centers not on things in their state of being--as is chiefly the case in the Occident--but upon their movements in change.  The eight trigrams therefor are not representations of things as such but of their tendencies in movement.

These eight trigrams came to have manifold meanings.  They represented certain processes in nature corresponding with their inherent nature.  Further, they represented a family consisting of father, mother, three sons, and three daughters [...] in what may be called an abstract sense, that is, they represented not objective entities but functions.

The sons represent movement in its various stages--beginning of movement, danger in movement, rest and compleation of movement.  The daughters represent devotion in its various stages--gentle penetration, clarity and adaptability, and joyous tranquillity.

In order to acheive a still greater multiplicity, these eight images were combined with one another at a very early date, whereby a total of sixty-four signs were obtained.

1 Ch'ien / the Creative

Attribute: strong
Image: heaven
Family Relationship: father

2 K'un / the Receptive

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---  ---
---  ---
Attribute: devoted, yielding
Image: earth
Family Relationship: mother

3 Chên / the Arousing

---  ---
---  ---
Attribute: inciting movement
Image: thunder
Family Relationship: first son

4 K'an / the Abysmal

---  ---
---  ---
Attribute: dangerous
Image: water
Family Relationship: second son

5 Kên / Keeping Still

---  ---
---  ---
Attribute: resting
Image: mountain
Family Relationship: third son

6 Sun / the Gentle

---  ---
Attribute: penetrating
Image: wind, wood
Family Relationship: first daughter

7 Li / the Clinging

---  ---
Attribute: light-giving
Image: fire
Family Relationship: second daughter

8 Tui / the Joyous

---  ---
Attribute: joyful
Image: lake
Family Relationship: third daughter

The Hexagrams

The Book of Changes was developed as an oracle, each line of the sixty-four signs being built individually through the manipultation of yarrow stalks.  As the signs themselves represented the changes constantly going on in the universe, so too were the signs themselves constantly changing into each other--and the method of manipulation allowed for the changing of the lines so that each "reading " generally consisted of the hexagram divined and the hexagram into which it was changing.

But the Yi King also became known as a book of wisdom, and such notable sages as Lao Tse and Confuscious were not only conversant with it, but based their writings and wisdom upon its study.  For divination, the interpretations of the individual lines are vitally important as it is at this level that the remarkable insight into the dynamics of the situation being divined come into light, and the commentaries allow for more understanding and application to the current cicumstance.  And, admittedly, there is much wisdom in these materials in the general sense as well.  But this page is meant as an introduction only, and not a publication of the I Ching itself--only the original core of the book, the hexagrams as passed down through the centuries and the original commentaries by King Wên, written around 1200 BCE, are presented here.  We have no idea if, or how much, he may have changed the book, though we know that various versions had been "in print " for at least 1000 years with the hexagrams arranged in different orders.

1 Ch'ien / The Creative

Image: The movement of heaven is full of power.  Thus the superior man makes himself strong and untiring.

Judgement: "The Creative " works sublime success, furthering through persserverence.

2 K'un / The Receptive

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Image: The earth's condition is receptive devotion.  Thus the superior man who has breadth of character carries the outer world.

Judgement: "The Receptive " brings about sublime success, furthering through the perserverence of a mare.  If the superior man undertakes something and tries to lead, he goes astray; But if he follows, he finds guidance.  It is favourable to find friends in the west and south, to forego friends in the east and north.  Quiet perserverence brings good fortune.

3 Chun / Difficulty at the Beginning

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Image: Clouds and thunder.  Thus the superior man brings order out of confusion.

Judgement: "Difficulty at the Beginning " works supreme success, furthering through perserverence.  Nothing should be undertaken.  It furthers one to appoint helpers.

4 Meng / Youthful Folly

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Image: A spring wells up at the foot of the mountain.  Thus the superior man fosters his character by thoroughness in all that he does.

Judgement: "Youthful Folly " has success.  It is not I who seek the young fool; the young fool seeks me.  At the first oracle I inform him.  If he asks two or three times, it is importunity.  If he importunes, I give him no information.  Perserverence furthers.

5 Hsü / Waiting (Nourishment)

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---  ---
Image: Clouds rise up to heaven.  Thus the superior man eats and drinks, is joyous and of good cheer.

Judgement: If you are sincere, you have light and success.  Perserverence brings good fortune.  It furthers one to cross the great water.

6 Sung / Conflict

---  ---
---  ---
Image: Heaven and water go their opposite ways.  Thus in all his transactions the superior man carefully considers the beginning.

Judgement: You are sincere and are being obstructed.  A cautious halt halfway brings good fortune.  Going through to the end brings misfortune.  It furthers one to see the great man.  It does not further one to cross the great water.

7 Shih / The Army

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Image: In the middle of the earth is water.  Thus the superior man increases his masses by generosity towards the people.

Judgement: The army needs perserverence and a strong man.  Good fortune without blame.

8 Pi / Holding Together

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Image: On the earth is water.  Thus the kings of antiquity bestowed the different states as fiefs and cultivated friendly relations with the feudal lords.

Judgement: "Holding Together " brings good fortune.  Inquire of the oracle once again whether you possess sublimity, constancy, and perserverence; then there is no blame.  Those who are uncertain gradually join.  Whoever comes to late meets misfortune.

9 Hsiao Ch'u / The Taming Power of the Small

---  ---
Image: The wind drives across heaven.  Thus the superior man refines the outward aspect of his nature.

Judgement: "The Taming Power of the Small " has success.  Dense clouds, no rain from our western region.

10 Lü / Treading {Conduct)

---  ---
Image: Heaven above, the lake below.  Thus the superior man discriminates between high and low, and thereby fortifies the thinking of the people.

Judgement: Treading upon the tail of the tiger.  It does not bite the man.  Success.

11 T'ai / Peace

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---  ---
---  ---
Image: Heaven and earth unite.  Thus the rules divides and compleats the course of heaven and earth, and so aids the people.

Judgement: The small departs, the great approaches.  Good fortune.  Success.

12 P'i / Standstill (Stagnation)

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Image: Heaven and earth do not unite.  Thus the superior man falls back on his inner worth in order to escape the difficulties.  He does not permit himself to be honoured with revenue.

Judgement: Evil people do not further the perserverence of the superior man.  The great departs; the small approaches.

13 T'ung Jên / Fellowship with Men

---  ---
Image: Heaven together with fire.  Thus the superior man organizes the clans and makes distinctions between things.

Judgement: Fellowship With Men in the open.  Success.  It furthers one to cross the great water.  The perserverence of the superior man furthers.

14 Ta Yu / Possession in Great Measure

---  ---
Image: Fire in heaven above.  Thus the superior man curbs evil and furthers good, and thereby obeys the benevolent will of heaven.

Judgement: Supreme success.  

15 Ch'ien / Modesty

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Image: Within the earth a mountain.  Thus the superior man reduces that which is too much, and augments that which is too little.  He weighs things and makes them equal.

Judgement: "Modesty " creates success.  The superior man carries things through.

16 Yü / Enthusiasm

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Image: Thunder comes resounding out of the earth.  Thus the ancient kings made music to honour merit, and offered it with splendor to the Supreme Deity, inviting their ancestors to be present.

Judgement: It furthers one to install helpers and to set armies marching.

17 Sui / Following

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Image: Thunder in the middle of the lake.  Thus the superior man at nightfall goes indoors for rest and recuperation.

Judgement: "Following " has supreme success.  Perserverence furthers.  No blame.

18 Ku / Work on What has been Spoiled (Decay)

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---  ---
---  ---
Image: The wind blows slow on the mountain.  Thus the superior man stirs up the people and strengthens their spirit.

Judgement: "Work on What Has Been Spoiled " has supreme success.  It furthers one to cross the great water.  Before the starting point, three days.  After the starting point, three days.

19 Lin / Approach

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---  ---
Image: The earth above the lake.  Thus the superior man is inexhaustible in his will to teach, and without limits in his tolerance and protection of the people.

Judgement: "Approach " has supreme success.  Perserverence furthers.  When the eighth month comes, there will be misfortune.

20 Kuan / Contemplation (View)

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Image: The wind blows over the earth.  Thus the kings of old visited the regions of the world, contemplated the people, and gave them instruction.

Judgement: The ablution has been made, but not yet the offering.  Full of trust they look up to him.

21 Shih Ho / Biting Through

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Image: Thunder and lightning.  Thus the kings of former times made firm the laws through clearly defined penalties.

Judgement: "Biting Through " has success.  It is favcourable to let justice be administered.

22 Pi / Grace

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Image: Fire at the foot of the mountain.  Thus does the superior man proceed when clearing up current affairs.  But he dare not decide controversial issues in this way.

Judgement: "Grace " has success.  In small matters it is favourable to undertake something.

23 Po / Splitting Apart

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Image: The mountain rests on the earth.  Thus those above can ensure their position only by giving generously to those below.

Judgement: It does not further one to go anywhere.

24 Fu / The Return

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Image: Thunder within the earth.  Thus the kings of antiquity closed the passes at the time of solstice.  Merchants and strangers did not go about, and the ruler did not travel through the provinces.

Judgement: Success.  Going out and coming in without error.  Friends come without blame.  To and fro goes the way.  On the seventh day comes return.  It furthers one to have somewhere to go.

25 Wu Wang / Innocence (The Unexpected)

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---  ---
Image: Under heaven thunder rolls: all things attain the natural state of innocence.  Thus the kings of old, rich in virtue, and in harmony with the time, fostered and nourished all beings.

Judgement: Supreme success.  Perserverence furthers.  If someone is not as he should be, he has misfortune, and it does not further him to undertake anything.

26 Ta Ch'u / The Taming Power of the Great

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---  ---
Image: Heaven within the mountain.  Thus the superior man acquaints himself with many sayings of antiquity and many deeds of the past, in order to strengthen his character thereby.

Judgement: Perserverence furthers.  Not eating at home brings good fortune.  It furthers one to cross the great water.

27 I / Corners of the Mouth (Providing Nourishment)

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Image: At the foot of the mountain, thunder.  Thus the superior man is careful of his words and temperate in eating and drinking.

Judgement: Perserverence brings good fortune.  Pay heed to the providing of nourishment and to what a man seeks to fill his own mouth with.

28 Ta Kuo / Preponderance of the Great

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---  ---
Image: The lake rises above the trees.  Thus the superior man, when he stands alone, is unconcerned, and if he has to renounce the world, he is undaunted.

Judgement: The ridgepole sags to the breaking point.  It furthers one to have somewhere to go.  Success.

29 K'an / The Abysmal (Water)

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Image: Water flows on uninterruptedly and reaches its foal.  Thus the superior man walks in lasting virtue and carries on the business of teaching.

Judgement: If you are sincere, you have success in your heart, and whatever you do succeeds.

30 Li / The Clinging (Fire)

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---  ---
Image: That which is bright rises twice.  Thus the great man, by perpetuating this brightness, illumines the four quarters of the world.

Judgement: Perserverence furthers.  It brings success.  Care of the cow brings good fortune.

31 Hsien / Influence (Wooing)

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Image: A lake on the mountain.  Thus the superior man encourages people to approach him by his readiness to receive them.

Judgement: Success.  Perserverence furthers.  To take a maiden to wife brings good fortune.

32 Hêng / Duration

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Image: Thunder and wind.  Thus the superior man stands firm and does not change his direction.

Judgement: Success.  No blame.  Perserverence furthers.  It furthers one to have somewhere to go.

33 Tun / Retreat

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---  ---
Image: Mountain under heaven.  Thus the superior man keeps the inferior man at a distance, not angrily but with reserve.

Judgement: Success.  In what is small, perserverence furthers.

34 Ta Chuang / The Power of the Great

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---  ---
Image: Thunder in heaven above.  Thus the superior man does not tread on paths that do not accord with established order.

Judgement: Perserverence furthers.

35 Chin / Progress

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Image: The sun rises over the earth.  Thus the superior man himself brightens his bright virtue.

Judgement: The powerful prince is honoured with horses in large numbers.  In a single day he is granted audience three times.

36 Ming I / Darkening of the Light

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Image: The light has sunk into the earth.  Thus does the superior man live with the great mass: he veils his light, yet still shines.

Judgement: In adversity it furthes one to be perservering.

37 Chia Jên / The Family (The Clan)

---  ---
---  ---
Image: Wind comes forth from fire.  Thus the superior man has substance in his words and duration in his way of life.

Judgement: The perserverence of the woman furthers.

38 K'uei / Opposition

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---  ---
Image: Above, fire; below, the lake.  Thus amid all felloswship the superior man retains his individuality.

Judgement: In small matters, good fortune.

39 Chien / Obstruction

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Image: Water on the mountain.  Thus the superior man turns his attention to himself and molds his character.

Judgement: The southwest furthers.  The northeast does not further.  It furthers one to see the great man.  Perserverence brings good fortune.

40 Hsieh / Deliverance

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Image: Thunder and rain set in.  Thus the superior man pardons mistakes and forgives misdeeds.

Judgement: The southwest furthers.  If there is no longer anything where one has to go, return brings good fortune. If there is still something where one has to go, hastening brings good fortune.

41 Sun / Decrease

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Image: At the foot of the mountain, the lake.  Thus the superior man controls his anger.

Judgement: "Decrease " combined with sincerity brings about supreme good fortune without blame.  One may be perservering in this.  It furthers one to undertake something.  How is this to be carried out?  One may use two small bowls for the sacrifice.

42 I / Increase

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Image: Wind and thunder.  Thus the superior man, if he sees good he imitates it; if he has faults he rids himself of them.

Judgement: It furthers one to undertake something.  It furthers one to cross the great water.

43 Kuai / Break-through

---  ---
Image: The lake has risen up to heaven.  Thus the superior man dispenses riches downward and refrains from resting on his virtue.

Judgement: One must resolutely make the matter known at the court of the king.  It must be announced truthfully.  Danger.  It is necessary to notify one's own city.  It does not further to resort to arms.  It furthers one to undertake something.

44 Kou / Coming to Meet

---  ---
Image: Under heaven, wind.  Thus does the prince act when disseminating his commands and proclaiming them to the four quarters of heaven.

Judgement: The maiden is powerful.  One should not marry such a maiden.  

45 Ts'ui / Gathering Together (Massing)

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Image: Over the earth, the lake.  Thus the superior man renews his weapons in order to meet the unforeseen.

Judgement: Success.  The king approaches his temple.  It furthers one to see the great man.  This brings success.  Perserverence furthers.  To bring great offerings creates good fortune.  It furthers one to undertake something.

46 Shêng / Pushing Upward

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Image: Within the earth, wood grows.  Thus the superior man of devoted character heaps up small things in order to acheive something high and great.

Judgement: "Pushing Upward " has supreme success.  One must not see the great man.  Fear not.  Departure towards the south brings good fortune.

47 K'un / Oppression (Exhaustion)

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Image: There is not water in the lake.  Thus the superior man stakes his life on following his will.

Judgement: Success.  Perserverence.  The great man brings about good fortune.  No blame.  When one has something to say, it is not believed.

48 Ching / The Well

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Image: Water over wood.  Thus the superior man encourages the people at their work, and exhorts them to help one another.

Judgement: The town may be changed, but the well cannot be changed.   It neither decreases nor increases.  They come and go and draw from the well.  If one gets down almost to the water and the rope does not go all the way, or the jug breaks, it brings misfortune.

49 Ko / Revolution (Molting)

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---  ---
Image: Fire in the lake.  Thus the superior man sets the calendar in order and makes the seasons clear.

Judgement: On your own day you are believed.  Supreme success, furthering through perserverence.  Remorse disappears.

50 Ting / The Cauldron

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---  ---
Image: Fire over wood.  Thus the superior man consolidates his fate by making his position correct.

Judgement: Supreme good fortune.  Success.

51 Chên / The Arousing (Shock, Thunder)

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Image: Thunder repeated.  Thus in fear and trembling the superior man sets his life in order and examines himself.

Judgement: "Shock " brings success.  Shock comes--uh oh!  Laughing words--ha ha!  The shock terrifies for a hundred miles, and he does not let fall the sacrificial spoon and chalice.

52 Kên / Keeping Still (Mountain)

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Image: Mountains standing close together.  Thus the superior man does not permit his thoughts to go beyond his situation.

Judgement: Keeping his back still so that he no longer feels his body.  He goes into his courtyard and does not see his people.  No blame.

53 Chien / Development (Gradual Progress)

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Image: On the mountain, a tree.  Thus the superior man abides in dignity and virtue, in order to improve the mores.

Judgement: The maiden is given in marriage.  Good fortune.  Perserverence furthers.

54 Kuei Mei / The Marrying Maiden

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Image: Thunder over the lake.  Thus the superior man understands the transitory in the light of the eternity of the end.

Judgement: Undertakings bring misfortune.  Nothing that would further.

55 Fêng / Abundance (Fullness)

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Image: Both thunder and lightning come.  Thus the superior man decides lawsuits and carries out punishments.

Judgement: "Abundance " has success.  The king attains abundance.  Be not sad.  Be like the sun at midday.

56 Lü / The Wanderer

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Image: Fire on the mountain.  Thus the superior man is clear-minded and cautious in imposing penalties, and protracts no lawsuits.

Judgement: Success through smallness.  Perserverence brings good fortune to the wanderer.

57 Sun / The Gentle (The Pentetrating, Wind)

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---  ---
Image: Winds following one upon the other.  Thus the superior man spreads his commands abroad and carries out his undertakings.

Judgement: Success through what is small.  It furthers one to have somewhere to go.  It furthers one to see the great man.

58 Tui / The Joyous (Lake)

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---  ---
Image: Lakes resting one on the other.  Thus the superior man joins with his friends for discussion and practice.

Judgement: Success.  Perserverence is favourable.

59 Huan / Dispersion (Dissolution)

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---  ---
Image: The wind drives over the water.  Thus the kings of old sacrificed to the Lord and built temples.

Judgement: Success.  The king approaches his temple.  It furthers one to cross the great water.  Perserverence furthers.

60 Chieh / Limitation

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Image: Water over lake.  Thus the superior man creates number and measure, and examines the nature of virtue and correct conduct.

Judgement: Success.  Galling limitation must not be perservered in.

61 Chung Fu / Inner Truth

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---  ---
Image: Wind over lake.  Thus the superior man discusses criminal cases in order to delay executions.

Judgement: Pigs and fishes.  Good fortune.  It furthers one to cross the great water.  Perserverence furthers.

62 Hsiao Kuo / Preponderance of the Small

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Image: Thunder on the mountain.  Thus in his conduct the superior man gives preponderance to reverence.  In bereavementhe gives preponderance to grief.  In his expenditures he gives preponderance to thrift.

Judgement: Success.  Perserverence furthers.  Small things may be done; great things should not be done.  The flying bird brings the message: It is not well to strive upward, it is well to remain below.  Great good fortune.

63 Chi Chi / After Compleation

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Image: Water over fire.  Thus the superior man takes thought of misfortune and arms himself against it in advance.

Judgement: Success in small matters.  Perserverence furthers.  At the beginning, good fortune.  At the end, disorder.

64 Wei Chi / Before Compleation

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Image: Fire over water.  Thus the superior man is careful in the differentiation of things, so that each finds its place.

Judgement: Success.  But if the little fox, after nearly compleating the crossing, gets his tail in the water, there is nothing that would further.

